Manish Goyal

Email: manishg [at] cs [dot] unc [dot] edu
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I am a fourth year doctoral student working with Prof. Parasara Sridhar Duggirala at Computer Science Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My research is focused on Cyber-Physical Systems, their verification and validation using formal methods as well as neural networks.

Prior to joining grad school, I have worked in Kernel group of SoC verification platform, SpyGlass, at Synopsys India Pvt. Ltd. I have also worked with Prof. Goran Frehse in Parsers team of affine linear hybrid systems verification platform, SpaceEx, at Verimag Research Lab, Grenoble.

Previously, I was an M.Tech student in CSE at IIT-Guwahati where I worked with Prof. Purandar Bhaduri. My Masters' thesis was on the evaluation of Reachability analysis tools for hybrid systems.

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